Before you file, go the extra mile! Many forms on this page are fillable portable document format (PDF) files, in that they can be downloaded and modified to include information about your case. If you plan to electronically file a fillable form, please review your flattened* and completed form by emailing it to yourself first. If the form is complete when viewed through your email, then it should appear the same way when you electronically file the PDF in CM/ECF or through email (for self-represented filers).
*Instructions concerning how to “flatten” a PDF are available on the web from your PDF reader/editor software provider.
Administrative Forms
Form Description
A1 | Transcript Order Form | |
A2 | Audio File Request Form | |
A8 | Copy Work Request | |
A9 | Application for Admission to Registry of Mediators Qualified Under Florida Northern Mortgage Modification Mediation Program | |
Archives Request
Instructional Documents
Form Description
Instructions for Creating a List of Creditors
3-Inst | ECF Group Permissions Explanations | |
4-Inst | Proposed Order Guidelines | |
5-Inst | Certificate of Service - Instructions & Sample | |
6-Inst | Style Guide - Florida Northern District |
Local forms are created by and required (as applicable) only in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Florida.
Chapter-specific forms are preceded by the chapter number in which they may be used. All other forms are not chapter specific and may be used in any chapter as applicable (e.g., LF-1).
Local Forms (any chapter)
Form Description
Debtor’s Statement of Assistance (pro se only)
Corporate Ownership Statement
LF-3 | Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation (Rev. 07/18) | |
LF-3-PS | Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation (Pro se) (Rev. 07/18) | |
LF-4 | Certificate of Service | |
LF-5 | Exhibit Tag/Cover Sheet | |
Exhibit List
LF-7 | Statement of Need for Emergency Hearing | |
LF-8 | Motion to Extend or Impose Stay | |
LF-9 | Affidavit in Support of Motion to Extend or Impose Stay | |
LF-10 | Negative Notice Legend | |
LF-11 | Notice of Change of Address for Creditor | |
Preferred Address Request for a Case Under 342(e)
Negative Notice Legend for Objections to Claim (NEW 07/25/2023)
Affidavit in Support of Motion for Waiver of Requirement to Take Financial Management Course
Statement of No Employment Income
Notice of Change of Address of Debtor
Motion for Waiver of Requirement to Comply with Credit Counseling Requirement
Request for Notices by Creditor (not represented by an attorney)
Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice (by attorney)
Notice of Appearance of Attorney as Supervising Attorney per AO 24-004
Application to Approve Student as Student Lawyer
Pro se Debtor’s 1019 Statement of No Change
Verification of Creditor Mailing Matrix
Matrix/List of Creditors
LF-37 | Motion to Change Hearing Venue of Panama City Division Case | |
LF-37-PS | Motion to Change Hearing Venue of Panama City Division Case (Pro Se) | |
LF-38 | Report & Notice of Intention to Sell Property of the Estate | |
LF-39 | Notice of Hearing on Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear, and Report and Notice of Intent to Sell |
Chapter 7
Form Description
Report & Notice of Intention to Abandon Property of the Estate
LF 7-8
LF 7-9
Chapter 11
Form Description
Ballot Tabulation
LF 11-6 | Cover Sheet to an Application for Compensation in a Chapter 11 Case | |
LF 11-13 | Chapter 11 Debtor’s Pre-Confirmation Statement | |
Individual Debtor(s)’ Motion for Entry of Discharge
Motion to Administratively Close Individual Chapter 11 Case
Statement/Certification Regarding Requirements for Discharge in a Chapter 11 Case
UST Forms | US Trustee Region 21 Forms Page |
Chapter 12
Form Description
Summary of Operations - Family Farmer (.rtf)
Monthly Cash Receipts & Disbursements
LF 12-13 | Chapter 12 Debtor's Pre-Confirmation Statement | |
Statement/Certification Regarding Requirements for Discharge in a Chapter 12 Case
Chapter 13
Form Description
LF 13-1 | Optional Plan Language | |
LF 13-13 | Chapter 13 Debtor's Pre-Confirmation Statement | |
Chapter 13 Plan (Eff. 12/1/17) (.pdf)
NOTE: The Chapter 13 Plan form on this page may appear slightly different than forms submitted by filers who use petition preparation software to create the document. The software vendors have been authorized to conditionally "collapse" blank tables in sections of the form which are not applicable (i.e., the filer checks "None"). |
LF 13-21 | Chapter 13 Plan (Eff. 12/1/17) (.rtf) NOTE: Filers are authorized to remove blank tables in sections of the form which are not applicable (i.e., where the filer checks "None") to reduced the number of pages in the document and to save noticing costs. |
Annual Statement
Motion to Modify Plan re: Annual Statement
Supplement to Schedules I & J
Agreed Motion to Abate
Debtor’s Election to Abate
Debtor’s Election to Use a Portion of Tax Refund
Debtor’s Notice of Plan Payment Change Pursuant to Creditor’s Notice of Payment Change on Principal Mortgage
Motion to Deem Mortgage Current
LF 13-34 | Secured Creditor's Notice of Payment Change | |
Statement/Certification Regarding Requirements for Discharge in a Chapter 13 Case
Notice of Scheduled Mortgage Mediation
The Local Sample Orders below are provided for your convenience. Highlighted areas in each document are required information and should be contained in your proposed order whether or not you choose to use the sample provided.
LSO-1 | Order Granting Motion to Determine Secured Status & Strip Junior Lien on Debtor's Principal Residence | |
LSO-2 | Order Granting Motion for Relief from Stay | |
LSO-3 | Order Sustaining Debtor's Objection to Claim | |
LSO-4 | Order Granting Consent Motion to Extend Pretrial Deadlines | |
LSO-5 | Order Granting Motion to Avoid Lien | |
LSO-6 | Order Granting Motion to Sell Property | |
LSO-7 | Order Granting Motion for Final Decree (Ch 11) | |
LSO-8 | Order Granting Motion to Administratively Close Individual Chapter 11 Case | |
LSO-9 | Order Granting Motion for Entry of Chapter 11 Discharge | |
LSO-11 | Order of Deposit and Investment | |
LSO-12 | Order Granting Motion to Change Hearing Venue of Panama City Division Case | |
LSO-13 | Order Granting Motion to Modify Plan Under CARES Act |
The following Local Form Orders are entered by the Clerk’s Office in accordance with Standing Order #5 and are provided here for your convenience due to the length of and complexity of each.
Order Establishing Duties of the Debtor and Chapter 13 Trustee, Adequate Protection of Secured Claims, Allowance of Administrative Expenses, and Confirmation Procedures (orddo)
Order Granting Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation (orrmmm) (Rev. 07/25/18)
Official Forms for Filing Bankruptcy and/or Other National Forms
- File an Online Proof of Claim
- 342(b) Statement - Read Before Filing: B 2010A
This link will direct you to the Northern District of Florida National Forms Explanation Page which provides guidance to locate the form(s) on the U.S. Court's National Forms website.
You may CLICK HERE to go directly to the Bankruptcy Forms Page for PDF versions of the official bankruptcy forms, including the petition documents and the Proof of Claim form.
Forms applicable to your case and maintained by the United States Trustee's Office may be found at