The information provided here for the most commonly filed bankruptcy case types is intended to answer frequently asked questions. It is not to be interpreted as legal advice or to serve as a complete guide to what is required to be filed, provided, or completed in your bankruptcy case. This information is subject to change without notice. (Note: This information must be reviewed before following the After-Hour Emergency and Court Closure Filing procedure.)
Use the following links to access information about the referenced subject matter:
- Electronic Filing Policy for Self-Represented Debtors
- Privacy Policy & Redaction Requirements
- Filing without an attorney?
- Noticing Requirements
- Chapter 7 - Liquidation
- Chapter 11 - Reorganization
- Chapter 11 - Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA)
- Chapter 12 - Family Farmer or Fisherman
- Chapter 13 - Individual Debt Adjustments
- Credit Reports
Corporations and partnerships, as well as those who wish to file a Chapter 9 (Adjustment of Debts of a Municipality) or Chapter 15 (Ancillary and Other Cross-Border [Foreign] Cases) case must be represented by an attorney. Individuals, including married couples, can be self-represented and file bankruptcy without legal representation. Bankruptcy laws can be very confusing, and we recommend that you seek legal counsel if possible.
Most of the forms on the linked pages above are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require software to be viewed and/or printed. There are many pdf readers available on the internet, including Adobe Acrobat Reader, which may be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe web site. Please proceed with caution when downloading programs from unknown websites.