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Ordering Transcripts & Recordings

Digital Court Recordings (DCR)

Effective May 2, 2022, the Clerk’s Office began recording most courtroom proceedings in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Florida using digital court recording (“DCR”) equipment. DCR audio files are the official record of courtroom proceedings held outside the presence of a court reporter. The use of court reporters to capture the official record of a courtroom proceeding is at the discretion of the presiding judge.  The DCR system is ultra-sensitive; all conversations taking place inside a courtroom will be recorded. Confidential conversations should be held outside of a courtroom.


Transcript Production

DCR audio files will be used by transcriptionists to produce transcripts. All transcript requests must be docketed in associated cases.  Please note that Section 341(a) meetings of creditors (“341 Meetings”) are not conducted by the Court and are not subject to DCR.  Information about how to obtain a transcript of a 341 Meeting from the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the United States Trustee appears below.


How to Order a Recording (Not a Transcript)

Complete and follow the instructions on  Local Form A2 - Audio Request to order a recording of a court hearing conducted after May 2, 2022, if a transcript IS NOT required to be filed into the record. Audio recordings are not available for hearings where a court reporter was present. Local Form A1 – Transcript Request must be completed instead. 


How to Listen to a Recording

Recordings are provided in .DCR format and can be played on a Windows, MAC, iOS, or Android device using free software available at (For security reasons, do not attempt to download this software from any other website.) Open the .DCR file with this software to listen to the recording.


How to Order a Transcript

Complete and follow the instructions on Local Form A1 – Transcript Request to order an official transcript of a court hearing.  Multi-day proceedings – Only one transcript order form should be completed for a multi-day proceeding. Parties requesting transcripts of multi-day proceedings must indicate all applicable proceeding dates on the request. For example, a request for a three-day trial would need to include all three dates requested.

NOTE: You do not need to purchase an audio recording from the Clerk’s Office when requesting a transcript.  The Court will provide the required materials for the transcriptionist to complete the transcript request once the transcriptionist accepts the assignment by completing “Part II Acknowledgment” (located at the bottom of Local Form A1) and e-filing the signed form in CM/ECF.


How to Offer Transcription Services

Transcriptionists interested in being listed on the Court’s website as audio transcription vendors are directed to review the Request For Proposal (RFP) for instructions.


Approved Transcription Service Providers

Any business organization or independent contractor interested in being approved to provide transcription services on the behalf of requesting parties in United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Florida cases must begin the application process by reviewing and following the instructions found in the Request For Proposal (RFP). Note that this RFP was recently reissued, and additional providers are being evaluated.

Below is a list of providers that have been approved:

Kathleen Price, AD/T 550
A&S Transcript Service d/b/a Price Transcript Service
6 Trout Brook Road
Stanhope, NJ 07874
(973) 914-3080

U.S. Legal Support, Inc.
16825 Northcase Drive Suite 900
Houston, TX 77060

Dipti Patel, Owner, AAERT Certified Electronic Transcriber
Liberty Transcripts

9107 Topridge Drive
Austin, TX 78750
(847) 848-4907



To Acquire a Transcript of a 341 Creditors' Meeting

Contact the U. S. Trustee's Office:

United States Trustee
110 E. Park Avenue
Suite 128
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: 850-942-1660 


Additional Information

Federal Court Reporting Program

Judiciary Policy on Court Reporting

Transcript Fee Rates