Types of Hearings Scheduled in the Northern District of Florida (FLNB)
In-Person Hearings: Participants are in the courtroom.
Hybrid: Noticed for a courtroom with the option to appear via Zoom. Zoom video and telephonic calls are permitted.
Video (Zoom) Hearings: These are scheduled as video only. No appearances in the courtroom. Zoom telephonic calls are permitted.
Telephonic: These used to be “CourtCall” hearings which were by telephone only. Appearances by telephone can now be made via Zoom by dialing the number listed in the Zoom hearing information email and entering the Meeting ID. “Telephonic” appearances may also be made from the Zoom application with video disabled.
Zoom Links and Meeting IDs
Zoom meetings are created for each Courtroom Session. We define a Session as all hearings that are held on a specific day and block of time. Time blocks are either morning hearings or afternoon hearings. Zoom meetings have a unique Meeting ID number which must be either included in the Link (URL) or be entered in the application or entered by telephone.
To participate in a Zoom hearing, a registration must be entered for each Session. If the participant has cases both in the morning session and the afternoon session, a separate registration is required for each. The Court will email Zoom meeting information to anyone who completes the Video Court Registration (VCReg) form below. By completing the form using either a CM/ECF login name or by manually entering name, email address, case number, representation, etc. the registrant will automatically be emailed the Zoom information required to connect to the meeting/hearing.
CM/ECF account holders may register by entering the ECF/Pacer login name used for the case filings. A single registration will automatically register you for ALL cases in that session (AM or PM). By using the login name, VCReg will locate the registrant’s email, name, cases, and representation for the hearing reports used by the courtroom deputy and the Judge.
Registrants without CM/ECF filing accounts should leave the Login Name field blank and manually enter the requested information for each case.
Zoom Information Email Not Received
Once the VCReg request is completed, an email will be sent to either the email address that was entered or the primary email address associated with the ECF/Pacer login name. If no email arrives within 5 minutes one of the following errors was encountered.
CM/ECF account holders:
- Login name did not match any current user. Verify user name and try again or manually register.
- The email address pulled from ECF (User’s Primary Email Address) is different than the email address being checked. Verify primary email address in CM/ECF.
Manual Registrants:
- Email address entered was not valid. Try registering again.
Requirements for Participation via ZOOM Video
- Register for the hearing using the link below. An email containing the ZOOM connection will be automatically emailed.
- Notify your witnesses of all ZOOM attendance information and instructions.
- Connect to hearing at least 15 minutes prior to your hearing time. The Court’s ZOOM hearing requires participants be identified once admitted into the meeting. Late participants may not be allowed to actively participate after the Judge takes the bench.
- Rename yourself to include your role and who you represent
- Mute your line when not speaking.
- Dress in appropriate attire.
- Participate from a quiet location.
- You are required to have earbuds or a headset available. We highly recommend you use them.
Testing ZOOM Audio/Video with the Court
The ZOOM meeting will be started approximately 30 minutes before the scheduled start time for the first hearing of the session to allow participants to test their connection prior to the start of the hearing. Please note that court IT staff can only provide limited support if problems are encountered.
Reaffirmation Assistance Program (RAP) Attorney Volunteers
RAP attorney volunteers must complete the Zoom Participant Request Form to receive an email containing the Zoom URL for the reaffirmation hearing. Please join the Zoom Session at least five (5) minutes before the start of the hearing and enter your contact information into the chat box for the benefit of all participants. Thank you for your service!
ZOOM Participant Request Form
ZOOM References
- ZOOM Help Center: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us
- Join a ZOOM Meeting: https://zoom.us/join