The Local Rules Committee and Chief Judge Karen K. Specie approved for public comment proposed changes to the local bankruptcy rules for the Northern District of Florida. The proposed changes are available in the files linked below:
- Introduction to 2022 Local Rules Changes
- Proposed Changes - Redline Comparison Document
- Proposed Changes - No Redline Clean Copy
The public comment period closed on Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
Public Comment Submission Requirements
Upon the establishment by the Local Rules Committee of a public comment review period, the following email address may be used to submit comments concerning proposed Local Rules:
This address is simply for the submission of comments. Two-way communication between committee members and requestors will take place in person, by telephone, or through direct committee member email addresses.
All submissions must contain the following information before a comment will be scheduled for committee review:
- Requestor’s name
- Requestor’s email address
- Requestor’s contact number
- Citation of the subject Local Rule (or a proposed citation for a new rule)
- Executive summary of the proposed amendment
- Redline text showing proposed amendments to an existing rule or proposed text for a new rule
- Supporting references and detailed comments in support of the proposed amendment
The Requestor will be contacted by a member of the Local Rules Committee subsequent to the committee’s initial review of the submission.