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Tallahassee Intake Counter Closed Beginning on 8/29/2023 for In-Person Service Due to Tropical Storm Idalia

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Tallahassee Intake counter will be closed beginning Tuesday, August 29, 2023, and until further notice due to potential impacts from Tropical Storm Idalia, which is expected to strengthen into a hurricane. Tallahassee Clerk's Office staff will remain available by telephone to provide assistance subject to weather conditions. In-person Intake counter and telephone assistance will remain available in the Pensacola Division. 

CM/ECF is available 24/7 for electronic filing. Self-represented filers may submit items for filing via U.S. Mail to the Tallahassee Bankruptcy Courthouse (link to address), fax (850-521-5004), email ( or via courthouse lobby drop boxes (see drop box instructions but note that the Tallahassee drop box will be inaccessible if the courthouse building is closed by the General Services Administration).  

This website will be updated as more information about the storm and its impacts is received. 


Traci E. Abrams
Clerk of Court