CLICK HERE to review Administrative Order 20-0011 entered by Chief Bankruptcy Judge Karen K. Specie regarding the filing of Bankruptcy Court documents at the District Courthouse due to...
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News & Announcements: September, 2020
Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.
Wed, 09/23/2020
Wed, 09/23/2020
CLICK HERE to review Administrative Order 20-008 signed by Chief Judge Karen K. Specie today regarding the modification of Ch. 13 plans under 11 U.S.C. § 1329(d). Sample motion and...
Wed, 09/23/2020
The Court's website has been updated to require parties interested in using courtroom technology or utilizing their own technology in the...
Mon, 09/21/2020
CLICK HERE to review the emergency ordered entered today by Chief Bankruptcy Judge Karen K. Specie extending deadlines pertaining to the Pensacola Division due to the...
Wed, 09/16/2020
Chief Bankruptcy Judge Specie has entered Administrative Order 20-009 Emergency Order Regarding Pensacola Division Deadlines Extended Due to Hurricane Sally. CLICK HERE to review the...
Wed, 09/16/2020
Hurricane Sally made landfall in the Pensacola, Florida area as a Category 2 hurricane. Pensacola is currently experiencing the third highest recorded hurricane storm surge. Clerk’s Office staff stationed in Pensacola were on telework status when...