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Seeking Chapter 13 Ad Hoc Committee Members

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Clerk's Office is seeking volunteer attorneys to serve on a Chapter 13 Ad Hoc Committee for the purpose of reviewing the current amount of the normal and customary attorney fee in routine Chapter 13 cases. Please send an email to by Tuesday, February 28, 2023, if you are interested in serving on this committee.

Current and past Chapter 13 fee amounts are listed in the first table at The project entails writing a recommendation to Chief Judge Karen K. Specie to either increase the fee or leave the fee at the current rate. A recommendation to increase the fee must be substantiated. Committee members may choose to collaborate on this project via email, Zoom, or a combination of email and Zoom.  The Clerk's Office will host all Zoom meetings for you, or you may decide to use a different virtual meeting technology that is available to you through your offices.

Traci E. Abrams
Clerk of Court