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New Filing Events and Form for Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 Provisions

Friday, February 26, 2021

To accommodate the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) provisions, we have added the follow two filing events to CM/ECF: 


Motion for Discharge per 11 U.S.C. § 1328(i)

  • Movants must submit a proposed order via the Submit Proposed Order hyperlink in CM/ECF. 
  • The proposed order must relate solely to the motion for entry of the discharge and must not contain language discharging the debtor(s).  A separate order discharging the debtor(s) will be issued by the court, if applicable.

Supplemental Proof of Claim for Forbearance Claims

  • New Director’s Form 4100S Supplemental Proof of Claim for CARES Forbearance Claims was approved by the Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules effective 2/5/21 to address temporary amendments to sections 501, 502, and 1329 of the Bankruptcy Code made by the CAA.  You can find this form, as well as all other Official and Director’s Forms on the United States Courts’ website at
  • This filing event will require linking to a previously filed claim and will appear on both the docket and the Claims Register.
  • The form will be retired on December 27, 2021.

These temporary amendments sunset on December 27, 2021, one year from the date the CAA was enacted.